The Pioneer Valley Photographic Artists typically presents an annual award to a deserving recipient in recognition of outstanding contributions and/or service to the community in the field of Photographic Arts and for enriching the Photographic Arts to the benefit and enjoyment of all in the community. Although the award is typically given annually, occasionally there may be a year in which no award is given.
The award is generally given to a single awardee but it has been given to multiple recipients in cases where joint efforts resulted in an identifiable project that affected a community.
Past honorees:
2006 — Anne Tiberio
2007 — Alfredo DiLascia and Keith Sikes
2008 — Les Campbell
2009 — Gene LaFord
2010 — Stan Sherer
2011 — Stu Wetherbe
2012 — Lani Giguire, David Modzelewski, and Paul Hetzel
2013 — Jim Langone
2014 — Paul Turnbull
2015 — Les Campbell (Lifetime Achievement and Contributions)
2016 — Frank Ward
2017 — Michael LeClair
The Pioneer Valley Photographic Artists Cub looks for opportunities to promote and engage in outreach in our community to enrich the Photographic Arts. Our organization has done this by providing leadership within our larger communities.
Three examples of the projects we have initiated, sponsored, and guided are as follows: